leave well alone
let the henge stay
where it stood
it looks good
let the cows come to bay
at the moon
and the stars
a neolithic response
leaving terrible scars
and relics ensconced
In an eternal life
high up on the grass
a potential knife
in the ribs of the ancients
enlightened are we
to the dust and the noise
that now has to be
as our trucks start to trundle
we wait for the cry
And the artifacts seen in the wink
of an eye
glittering pieces
lain there in mud
tossed into history
mixed with the blood
of warrior classes
lost ever more
in the sod of it all
right at the core
where the first man had fallen
the first soul lay dead
a wife crying bitterly losing her head
a victim
the first, there were bound to be others
sacred and purposefully
leaving their mothers
saddened and grieving
for now where they lay
They should never again be moved
yes no way
just let them be
at peace with the world
not churned up in tarmac
and bloody well hurled
into the new age
lost souls infact
and only contractors left to react.