
you probably were not aware

that there was someone who

could communicate with Ladybirds

and might reply to you

there I was imagining

the study that I had done

and now I could relate it

you know to anyone

and in the Times on Wednesday

they carried the report

about so many Ladybirds

who have given life much thought

you need to know their story

and I am just the boy

to put it down in poetry

which I hope you will enjoy

transgenic’s is a frightful thing

its something I have found

peeves the female Lady bird

and covers well new ground

through aeons they have been sampling

aphids good and sweet

and now transgenic potaties abound

which lots of aphids eat

on eating them some Lady Birds

just dont feel at ease

their  wings become so heavy

and they complain of creaking knees

and there is a dearth of aphids

upon the plants she feels

which is causing huge frustration

and stress too  she reveals

on mating disappointment

its bugged her everyday

and she’s noticed laying fewer eggs

and wonders why  okay

was it down to her hormones

thats what she asks of me

and could it be transgenics

was a selfish  theory

your Scottish Crop Research Group

in their annual report

might have just concerned themselves

as to what the ladies thought

on swallowing down the aphids

and tasting their  fine goo

they  were beginning to think the flavour

wasn’t what they were used to

reflecting on what happened

Less eggs they had made

bright young “with it” Lady Birds

which had been her stock in trade

tis stress I now relate to you

and hopefully you will try

to put yourself under her spots

and feel where she does lie

her future broods are dwindling

her life expectancy

is shortened i can now confirm

dustraught take that from me

transgenic’s is pure arrogance

the threat is all who live

especially when Organics

has so very much to give.


Poem written  24,th October 1997





About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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