its a really crazy mixed up world
human beings, they
look after us and some do
they just blow us away
with making our lives wonderful
but some alas they are
just the bloody opposite
they honestly are far
more horrble and negligent
they forget to feed us they
chain us in their garden
and leave us there all day
cruelty is punishable
thats if someone knows
if someone can be bothered
or if the cruelty shows
then maybe we have a chance
but it could go on for years
Then for some valid reason
science gets the nod
medical establishments
big pharma known as God
universities all a’testing in laboratories
torture caged and crippled
licensed if you please
these vile and horrid places
somehow break the law
they dont have to feed us
they experiment more and more
shave us wound us operate
its science and they can
walk about with scalpels
and ship loads of us by van
as for being looked after
its not the commercial way
animal rights protestors
do not get a say
if they
are speaking up for us
the constabulary often will arrest them
it happens tragically
and its happening still
but we were being neglected being injured
every day
beaten tortured left in pain
with nobody to say
anything its money
its big pharma and biontech
they can do what ever they like
and very few will check
we can yelp and bark and cry
the cops they do not care
trucks of chickens or baby calves
at the entrance all can share
the obvious cruelty going on
but the police appear to be
supporting the torturers
not AR or you and me
its very rare that our voice is heard
and acted upon today
torture is the keyword and vile surgery
we are suffering really badly
wheres the RSPCA
no where to be found alas
blind eyes seemingly
ofcourse its run by humans
no safety net you see
as such no guarantee