Look at that splendid oak tree
ripened with the many years
its stood there advertising
its massive strength and its willingness
to purposely provide
an induspensible refuge
for so many souls to hide
moth caterpillars
the maidens blush
loves the tasty oak
the Oak beauty Moth
the red and green carpet moth
secreted there no joke
some look more like twigs
camouflaged and they
are all part of the intention
of just getting away
with living in this detached space
high up in the sky
close to where tge Capsid Bug
its the sap they like to try
or some will taste the acorns
when they are young and green
then the weevils in the Autumn
The egg laying machine
Gall wasp grubs emerge
from galls
you may see them in May,lacewings and lady birds
eating the aphids and birds too
come what may
Green oak roller
goat moths Cockchafers all there
bark beetles
a myriad of creatures
that all share
the beautiful Oak
so manyninsects
all seem to come and go
draw a ring around the footprint
and observe and you will know
the tree has many tenants
unseen maybe so
but needing shelter anyway
and all part of the flow