Nick kruft-Welton

the Cotswold Order of Druids

profoundly they agree

one of our brethren

named above

his popularity

a big seal of approval

honourable and true

nothing is too much for him

as for character  he is true

a mighty man in so many ways

a pillar of the Order

despite his difficulties

he is here

crossing many a border

driving miles to see us all

all taken in his stride

a face of smiles and happiness

and his degree of pride


he makes For a  splendid fellow

in his robes aside  Rollrights

carries his sword his warriorship

he really sets his sights

on forming up the circle

and giving it his all

dignified and august

and compared to me quite tall


Whatever the kind of weather

nick is out there, he

is heroic and ennobled

its where he loves to be

his ailments do not help him

they clearly test him but we see

an aura of pure caring

and sharing and daring actually.


He is a man of distinction

a druid through and through

respected as an elder

its what all Druids feel

our sisters and our brothers

each entirely real.


Being near the standing  stones

the nobility

the ancient pedigree

the wheel  of life

the seasons

thats  now how we be

part of all we wish for

Begotten and beyond

the vibrancy of being

within the Druids bond

Dear Nick its love apparent

the compassion that you show

always so respectful

your aura it does glow

Its humbling in many  ways

to know how hard you try


everytime I See you

which is why


you so walk your talk

my Dear friend















About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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