The contempt now shown for China
the disrespect and thought
having a fool in government
has anything now taught,
the bullies of this present world
the folly of their ways
presenting us all with a nutter
with mean and petty ways
a figure head, a puppet
a brain dead juvenile
despised and spurned by everyone
the poor sods off the dial
the press there in America
Covering his back
He is clearly not the President
aware of all the flack
this business overChina
and Taiwan has rocked the boat
his dereliction of duty
he can hardly float
in a storm now of his making
a sluggish absent fool
who should be in a fucking cell
or chained up to the wall
of course China is worried
the East the West apart
threats now in the warring mix
neither side has heart
he is odd
he is queer
a mental case
his sullenness
not the sharpest dagger in the box
he should be forced to kneel
On his knees and pray aloud
To realise his worth
and the politics and stupor
thats raging now on earth
What is now raging irreverence
truthers everywhere
are up against the stupid ignorant
arse oles of despair
where’s the wondrous wonder
Where’s the truthers sense
this idiot as President
Of course it makes things tense
the common soul
That walks the street
can giggle at his state
What he says and how he says
what he says, berate
every politician supporting him and say
he ought to now by marched off to the funny farm
no more gaffs no more crap
the Commander and Chief
Supposedly supported
by Commanders of grief
liars, fibbers, rogues and fools
Their irresponsibility
supporting is a gamble
fast becoming infamy.