After a windy night of blackness
the sun was high and took a role
of percolating through the trees
Giving us heightened soul
Samhain Roll Rights waiting
Its neolithic way
Lichens growing Moles too showing
energy Today
the Druid order from afar
clad in robes each one a star
for the ancestors who are
seeking solace via the veil
thinning as we know
it be the Witches New Year
a time of ebb and flow
the creaking gate the hush of hill
the wave of trees, the sky
behold the circle family
hearts and minds entwined
come and join our ritual
it will blow your mind
our coming together
with those who may
have passed
the love and fruitful caring
Samhain is a blast
cakes and mead and pudding
poems and stories, we
stand together this brand new year
and we all can see
a future for our charity
Our frIendship and our need
to now respect ancestors
and honestly concede
respect for those who truly care
whose wisdom is their right
HAPPY SAMHAIN to you all
Seekers of the light.