Animal aristocracy
the Elephants
they cast the greatest shadow
on us all
majestic vegetarians
high caste bloodstock they
are still wild in certain parts
but struggle too
from sense to tribulation
habitat loss and more
up against the farmers
who really have waged war
water food and habitation
elephants desire
their memory holds varied paths
Brings them closer to the wire
the human population
have lost respect alas
they dump their cast off’s and their
anywhere en masse
a landfill at the jungle apron
imagine that and see
mounds of plastic rotting
modern commonality
herds resigned to searching
through the stench of humankind
offensive and disgusting
why have we lost our mind
our brashness and audacity
our shamelessness where we
alienate existence
with utter flippancy
and so we see the Elephants
starving so that we
can spread into the jungle
and dump our shittery
contemptuous of reason
Mean spirited so we
are hostile to the residents
the godly souls who be
suffering true hunger
and rooting through our waste
we pay them a disservice
and stand in line disgraced
we cast our evil eye on them
denounce their right to be
in and around the forest
such indignity
they are thus consuming
plastic bags and muck
our heartlessness is growing
we somehow pass the buck
blindly miss the obvious
our guiltiness prevailing
What was totally inappropriate
Is tragically now failing
those noble souls
we wilfully disrespect
and they
are suffering and they are dying
a price too high to pay
it boils down to irreverence
to having no regard
holding them in displeasure
the poor souls clearly scarred
By ignorance and true neglect
fault finding all the time
condemning them to rubbish heaps
and watching as they climb
no compunction and no remorse
Each unrelenting day
of suffering from wastrels
who look the other way
life for them a punishment
a scourging flagellation
a penalty for life itself
total deprivation
its hard to watch
to contemplate
the heartache that they feel
struggling from place to place
Just to find a meal
religion casts a shadow
the rituals we can hear
bells and gongs and incense
and backsliding fear
watching from a distance
the poet feels their pain
the constant violation
unhallowed and insane