watching the banger boats
depart everyday
with their sick nasty mindless
sailing away
hopeful to track down
a huge pod of souls
a family tree
with myriad goals
dolphins divineness
essentially so
amazingly clever
as most of us know
spiritual creatures
sensitive too
their surroundings
and each other
and all this is true
Taiji is a whaling port
and every year
they hunt and they catch
and they spread so much fear
they select fancy dolphins
to sell far away
they imagine they own all they catch
heartless irreverence
exceeding the law
cruelty reigns
for them it is war
knowing how sensitive
dolphins can be
they use banging pipes
Pushed into the sea
to frighten the babies
and females, thats right
without jurisdiction
they work with a might
of larceny, impure thoughts
they violate
earning blood money
at an alarming rate
they will not recant
their obduracy
is viler than ever
in truth, honestly
As Hardened sinners
what do they do
wound a young dolphin
the villainous crew
stoop down and frighten
ruffians they
are heartless oafs
at the end of the day
inoffensive dolphins wide eyed and true
unspotted and saintly
its what they do
blood in the water
Manipulation and chicanery
Driving the dolphins
scaring them too
disparaging loudly
thats what they do
mortification humiliation
injurious cursing
scoffing and mocking
these are sea angels
godly creations
supercilious bastards
of their great Nation
Japan is the land
of the great rising sun
of the murdering scumbags
who know what they have done
frightened and tormented
the dolphins we see
the porpoise the pilots
All of them them be
driven and given
the fright of their lives
the pretty ones trained
and the rest feel the knives
Under the tarps in what becomes the brine
blood flows a’sunder
the sun doesn’t shine
on this satanic place
where insolence reigns
where malingerers torture
and bash out the brains
of the greatest of players
the real dolphin hordes
who submit to the butchers
and die on their swords
i wont watch the boats going out any more
the dolphin Project wants to for sure
depressing us all
Anointing our pain
we know what does happen
again and again
angels are driven
sucked in and sold
the torturing goes on
leaving us cold
They are arrestable
It makes no sense
They are detestable
the air is tense
with their culpability
causing much grief
their inexcusability
beyond belief.
Taiji Japan and Broome in Western Australia who supports their outlawry.