What amounts to deceptiveness
a beautiful Lioness
Shot by a hunter
His fiancee in tow
It wasn’t a wild soul
a caged human managed
he a Hunting outfitter
the bold one still warm
they were kissing
for they were in love with the murder
of wild souls a’ willing
to take this bright specimen
and shoot her to death
there was no necessity
it was all about arrogance
showing off sadly
and a female just died
obnoxious behaviour
Now mangled inside
how proud are the couple
their trophy before them
their was no harmony
they went out shooting
their challenge that day
brazen and ignorant
Typical hunters
a spoil of their war
travailed in this way
a romantic kiss
they were taking the piss
not a smidgeon of respect
For the lady they killed
she may have been a mother
or some ones lover
All that they saw was one drugged up
staring at the sun when the bullet
smacked hard
they both felt the joy
Thats some joy I must tell you
its thankless and ghastly
no remorse not a shade
just a kiss on the lips
For the lovers
rejoicing their raptures
with the nectar that rips
into their mouths so sweet
an aesthetic moment
culturally special
murdering scumbags
Part of the elite