Oil palm profits where prophets seemingly were scarce

arrogance and ignorance

like cancer everywhere

rainforests and jungles

That The Natural World did share

absolutely balanced

created perpetuity

all the fundamentals

in place

existence essentially


perfect fresh and new

hooked up symbiosis

a union thats true

cohesion and tenacity

everywhere we look

wholeness really what we had

From the godly book


harmonious and well behaved

Real  historicity

continuance in action

its really how it wants to be

but Corporates are in it

for the money,nthey can earn

palm oil produces ten times more

oil and so they learn

they save the total output

so much money can be made

but the environments do suffer

as animals just fade

out the loss of trees and fauna

food  water and we

lose so many animals and birds

And experience the changeability

Nature knows best everytime

and works for every soul

everything is connected

within its greater role

everything was thought through

From ancient times until now

Mankind is far from it


he just does not know how

Things all fit together

based on aeons where

animals and plants and birds

and everything does share

the wonders growing everywhere

and the purity

man takes on the financials

and the profitability

and what we have seen is ignorance

and arrogance at work

palm oil growing everywhere

mono cultures lurk


toxicity and degradation too

soil erosion animals dying

the story of life

Is true

orangutan 100,000 perished

as the trees

were torn down

Tigers  Rhino’s Elephants

disease  came about


the arrogance of man

basically we lost it

Because we had no plan

our selfishness our stubbornness

expansion everywhere

we failed to see the tiniest ants

who we granted our despair

intoxicated most of us

blinded by it all

we exchanged our consciousness

Which in fact is our downfall

a few have made their fortunes

the majority have lost out

And Arrogance and ignorance

was what it was all about




Palm oil might have produced 10 times more oil than Rape Sunflower or Soya

but the wastage of natural resources has  been unbelievably awful

and the suffering of wild creautes .












About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal Rights, Boycotts, Business Management, Elephants, Extinction, Indigenous People, Malaysia and its People, Oil, Orangutan(Person of the forest), Rhino, Tigers. Bookmark the permalink.

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