Deer Hunting

Hunters  have that wicked  streak

illogical they be

their knowledge levels

are inept

they cannot  hear the plea

of the wild Deer they are  hunting

They have not  got a clue

DEER do not have sweat glands

like other souls and  you


Calling yourselves  a hunter

using  Sight hounds to

track and chase each peaceful Stag

whose integrity is true

But who  really cannot comprehend

The part such  things do play

in, remaining healthy

every single day

the unruliness of Sight  hounds

the turmoil they create

The dread and awe

whats it all for

how can they validate


the fearfulness they suffer

all trembling with pain

Its really  hard  to control themselves

filled up with disdain

if they run at least a mile

the need for them is to fall

to sit and get their breath back

for now they cannot crawl.

they cannot sit

their stamina is very very low

chasing victims  through thecforests

their misgivings they show

the uneasiness and trembling

creates hormones everywhere

their meat soon becomes toxic

Though the hunters are unaware


their wilderness of wonderment

So much  disbelief

chasing deer with vicious hounds

Really gives them grief

Poor in  spirit meek and lowly

Inoffensive they

Are nauseous because of it

and cannot  find their way


out of this revengefulness

this animosity

It drives  them into wrathfulness

Offended glaringly

suffering and shivering

lost souls if you like

all the worst intentions

And nothing  now feels  right.


three hunts in the South West

are at it

registered and wrong

The League of  Cruel Sports  understands

That Red  deers don’t belong

being extremely frightened

and maladaptive too

up close with a shot gun

there is nothing anyone can do


It was  like the Japanese whalers

“science” painted on their ships

Out there  doing whaling

all on hunting trips

it is illegal hunting

killing everyday

Beautiful lives  are sacrificed

every single day.


shot at close range

butchered  entrails given too

the dogs the mouths all bloodied

”the carve up” it is True

Hooves and teeth they are called the “slots”

The trophies so to say

the head and the antlers given to the master

and to the landowner they 

get the heart the beating heart

Such tears of sympathy

Hunting deer  its very clear

its wicked actually.












About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Environmental Poems, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Wild Deers, Wildness is our friend. Bookmark the permalink.

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