Do you think that God Created a soul
just to be trapped
And take on the role
Of trim for your neck
Decoration thats all
Canada goose
they should go to the wall
Very deceitful
Creepy as hell
trumped up and fake
If it helps them sell
their Parka’s
Just 18 more months so they say
we must take the rap
Most every day
lay there a bleeding
waiting to be
dispatched to a place
where our eyes cannot see
The sun in the sky
or the moons golden wealth
where we know we must die
canada goose just more stealth
Uses so much contempt
for us all its not new
to despise their futility
to mock and deride
to trample and run roughshod
on what they’ve denied
despicable creatures
worthless and mean
they should shut their doors NOW
For their souls are obscene.