The tourism industry
In Norway makes me feel
Its riddled with such unconcern
And therefore isn’t real
Unconscious to its life forms
Slow witted and obtuse
Whale watching whilst
Out killing them
Its vile and dark abuse
Seriously dishonest
A hideous disgrace
Repellent and just odious
It makes the human race
Into a bunch of monsters
As tasteless as can be
Commercial and disreputable
Shameless vulgarity
Minke whales are baleen whales
Why kill them anyway
Godly souls with created roles
Its ridiculous they pay
You earn from respecting Nature
And from killing too
Creating fear and trepidation
Its just deceit all through
So resentful and so hostile
You do so cause offence
Its your loathing of wildness
Of course it makes no sense
Its unlovable and uncaring
Its heartless and its wrong
So iniquitous and ugly
How does it belong
With tourism and giving the
Impression that you care
Its unwarranted and wilful
Irreverent despair
Scoffing gibing jeering
Tourists conned by you
Treated with scorn an disdain
Doing what you do.