Today saw London demonstrate
Protest and march, for they
Are clearly pissed off and angry
At the egregious way
The police when they decide to
Its arbitrary and unfair
Pouncing on the old the young
And the unaware
Six at least jump on a soul
And pull them to the ground
Handcuff and treat badly
Thats what I have found
They actually are citizens
Concerned about the way
This country is being governed
In the broad light of the day
Lockdowns house arrest
And fear, YES just everywhere
Behavioural science being used
Increasing our despair
Everyone is suffering
Lost jobs no where to go
Friendships being cancelled
They are killing us we know
Depopulation and the RNA Vaccine
Its going to alter our DNA
Is about control its obscene
Astra Zeneca’s cocktail
Is causing some concern
Blood clots to those victims
Each day we do learn
Some European Countries
Have delayed it
But not so the UK
The CabaL
is really after us
If they get their way
We are for the furnace
With our lives we have to pay
Hundreds of thousands
Marched today
Taking on the yobs
The police are really nasty
They all love their jobs
Common purpose brain washed
They grit their teeth And they
Jump hard on old ladies
And then drag them away
Its sickening to watch them
They are not exempt
When they have banged us all up
Then the big attempt
Will be to get rid of them as well
The cabal wants de population
Go and read the Georgia Stones
And appreciate the notion
BILL GATES And Melinda
And the Corporate brigade
Along with all the Scotland Yard mob
On their back is laid
Lots of responsibility
The innocent must be
Locked up in some rat infested cell
And never see
The light of day for months on end
A bummer of an act
Marching for our freedom
Watch how the police react
No empathy no compassion
No thought for how most feel
Waving batons at the crowd
Its A dark streak they reveal.
Its true I am an Old man
Cannot protest these days
I know how they would treat me
And its not worthy of praise
They cover up their misdeeds
Rings of others stand
And push away on lookers
They really do feel grand
Hundreds and thousands marching
And they leap on a few
And manhandle them like rag dolls
No wonder we cant view
The knees go in, pulled at the wrist
That is what they do
Cruel and wicked in the world
We are all living through.