The great ungodly

Trappers and hunters and farmers
Who dare
To make their living
By not being aware
Of the wickedness the terror
The vast cruelty
Of farming and killing
For FUR ignorantly
You evil personified
That is your crime
You must now confess
God never created
A skin to abuse
It was warmth it was life
And so to infuse
You profit and loss
With destruction and death
Trapping so wicked
Restricting one’s breath
Such immorality
Your wicked ways
Should provide you with
Worse for the rest of your days

As to the hunter
Most from afar
With rifle and shot gun and bow
You are the star
Firing projectiles
Into a soul
Who has just as much right
To be living
Your hole
I beg be as deep as the filth
That you are
And you sink
There forever
You unworthy tzar

As to you wearers
Fashionable you
Clearly your mind set
Can never be true
You have a skin
As thick as steel
For you pay other fools
Believing you are real

You are the scum of the earth
Ungodly as sin
Cuffs and collars and decor
You are waste in their bin
Coats and shoes and bags
From the furriers who
Came straight ways from Hell
To profit from you

Fur hags everywhere
The fur trade is rife
Their principle of evil
Of ongoing strife
Of satanic badness
Of morals no more
Of slippery slopes to the
Underworld floor.

God given skin
Keeps our precious bits in
Gives us warmth
It protects
It helps us win
Our god in Heaven
Is very upset
In all his meanderings
He didnt get
The message that skin
The powerful would use
And murder with mayhem
Those who refuse

He never imagined people could be
So vicious and villainous
So unworthy
So accursed such vile miscreants
Abysmal scum
On the blameless and innocent
And he made some

To test our humanity

Which is why so many of us are suffering
For either wearing or not kicking up a terrible fuss about it

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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