One moment there was certainty
Then it was swept away
They left me at a petrol station
Very far away
Suddenly alone was I
Nothing to call my own
In Ducar California
Lost and quite alone
Stuck here in the open
Lots of fields around
An orchard pretty near a road
But as to where I am bound
Its clear I have been abandoned
My dilemma had begun
I did feel unstable
The unexpected one
Unsure and uneasy
What was I going to do
How now could I get through today
Above my head was blue
The earth around was crimson
The landscape seemingly
Brown and green and tree lined
There seemed no guarantee
Whether I could manage
My rationality
The fact I had been dumped out here
The changeability likely
To be dubious every day
Food to eat water to drink
And shelter too and a way
A lot of lateral thinking
React instinctively
Invent explore and encounter
Learn to just be free
Beg for food find water
And shelter for the night
There were a pair of mattresses
So it just felt alright
After years of being
In a nice warm place
Good food always in my bowl
And a big garden to chase
The odd mouse that might venture
And the pigeons too
Now alone in the countryside
Where I didn’t have a clue
Holes and corners covers
A cache and hideaway
I just felt so let down
My life so very much dismay
I begged for food i scratched around
I caught a mouse or two
When you are bloody starving
There are things you can do
There were some solar panels
Discarded close to me
So I could get under down under them
And lay there comfortably
The garage was just up a bit
So I did beg from there
Not everybody gave me stuff
But the owners were aware
That I had been abandoned
And when they remembered they
Brought my food not all the time
But sometimes they did lay
Biscuits and some bits of meat
Down and that was good
The rest of the time I caught insects
And ate berries in the wood
I became more persistent
There were apples on the trees
Anything is better than an empty gut
Some peas and wild carrots
Gradually I found
Enough to keep me from starving
Nuts too on the ground
It was a shell station
The people there they cared
Its just that they were busy
And other clients shared
Food with me and left some of it
On my side of the road
So I was fed and watered
But never had a load
Then one day a car stopped
And a I saw a man who came to see
The apples they were still quite small
And he did see me
He came over and said something
And left a can of meat
It was mighty tasty
I was licking it off my feet
For several hours
The tastiest I had had a for a long while
And he started coming more
And he left a pile
Of this and that
He always came a d spoke with me
But I was really frightened
So I kept my distance
And thats no lie
But the food he brought was lovely
Even better than before
When I lived in a house
With a big green door
Thats before They abandoned me
So this man seemingly
Was coming over often
And hoped to see me
Well that got my confidence
Up a bit
I felt better in a way
More food in my tummy
And almost every day
Seeing him and thinking
Life was getting better
Even if the mornings
Were cold and it was wetter
The apples began falling
So i had some of them, they
Were crunchy and were very sweet
And my freedom felt okay
I kept my spirit going
A better disposition
With my friend coming often
He made me his mission
And he began to stay much longer
He would chat to me a lot
Come and sit down on the grass
He had a favourite spot
In the sun some way away
From the highway and we’d
Eat together and he shared stuff
More than I did need
He was staying about an hour with me
And coming every day
He brought me fresh water
He was kind to me and he’d play
Sometimes with a ball and sometimes
I would walk a while
And run off and come back again
We would walk perhaps a mile
I was feeling effervescent
And enlivened by him, he
Would come and sit upon the ground
And talk incessantly
I was happy that he came along
And we became friends he
Clearly was untroubled
Finding serenity
I was feeling happier
With each passing day
I would run about and dash across bis path
And really play
And then one day he laid down
And I sat by his side
He was soft and thoughtful
And he seemed to want to hide
His feelings but he would play with me
With a leash he brought and we
Got closer and closer
It felt wonderful to be
Near him smelling his clean clothes
And face for surely he
Was my enigmatic stranger
Whose name was Danny
For three months he had visited
My shyness overcome
Kt felt that we were compatible
Really unlike some
The lady in the service station
She was none too hot
I got under her heels a bit
And happy she was not
Then one day Danny brought this cage
Somewhere I could sleep
It didn’t keep the sun off
It was more a prison keep
Was he being hostile
Or kind I guess that he
Wanted me to be safer
He installed it by a tree
He put food and water there
And some treats as well
And one brought some friends along
Of really extra goodness
And I was off inside his car
Going to the hospital
Which was very far
A good shampoo
My hair cut back
Nails clipped i felt fine
A rub down and a place to call my own
Clearly a sign
That he was going to be my friend
Forever we would be
In his home away from the bad road
It seemed to me
And everyday we walked somewhere
The river or the park
He had made a kite which he liked to fly
And sometimes until dark
We ran around absorbing
The energies of the day
And went home to a nice meal
And a chat along the way
I am now with Danny
And his friends come around to see
I am so glad that he found me
For I am filled with glee
Utopia for dogs thats Danny
And his place
A really happy place to live
A d now to call my base