
Takes a bashing
Every single day
From Corporates
And their lackeys
The experimental way
On victims such as animals
Guinea pigs like us
Big Pharma has big tractors
Thats what all the fuss
Is now about the victims
All over the world
Locked up in small cages
Where they have been hurled
Unjustifiability and
Taken from the wild
And tortured terribly.

In the name of science
Encroachment everywhere
Locked down and experimental
Which leads to great despair
Its unwarranted its being
Done all behind closed doors
Condemnable and crazy
But done to some applause
A matter of great ignorance
And arrogance as well
Where is there the justice
It all comes out of Hell
Its frighteningly obvious
Its terror every way
The innocent are suffering
Tortured night and day

In the name of science
What a pedigree
Thank you Mary Shelley
For bringing shit to me
We all know what they are up to
Testing every hour
Murdering the minors
Taking away their power
Fiddling with hormones
Making chickens grow
Into freaks and monsters
Their legs cant hold them so
They all become sick cripples
In less
than a month you know
Experimental musings
Genetic syphonies
Make music from the darkly holes
True inaccuracies

and lying in dark spaces
Frightened to the core
Are victims from the jungles
From the oceans and whats more
Repeated aggravations
Torture and great pain
Which is nothing to do with awareness
The intimacy of gain
No glimmering of knowledge
Or cognitive desire
There is no bloody culture
From the womb of darkened fire
Ologies and isms
They are everywhere
Attributed to scholars
Can we find them anywhere
Nothing more than killers
Torturing the many
Numskulls boneheads
Do any of you know any

White coats
Laboratories where they
Conduct their experimentation
In the cold light of the day
Pronouncing all their findings
Based on victims cats and dogs
Macaques those glorious monkeys
Even goats and hogs
So many suffering animals
And science gets the blame
Fallacious and perverted
And no one brings them shame
Erring and wrong doing
So wide of the mark
All done in the dark
garbled and erratic
And the victims all alone
Sobbing in their shitty cages
Aching every bone
Every torn muscle
Shaved of skin and hair
Burned or bitten
Acids wounding
Nobody does care
We all must stop and think about
The innocent who die
Taken from their families
Let the poet ask them why

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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