Pacari chilli

Pacari Chilli
A chocolate that sits
On the tongue it just trickles
Out flavour in bits
Softens like soft mists
On volcanic soil
The green of the mint leaves
The palate the royal
So sensual
You just want to wallow
And feel
Its so luxurious
Its gentle reveal
Its faultless
And delicately given it lifts
One to great heights
Just The finest of gifts

Subtlety comes with a sensitive soul
So much affection
It will console
With its fun- loving flavours
An enormous desire
For the lavish construction
Of chilli and fire.
Don’t chew it
Just let it rest softly
Don’t speak
Can you see the volcanoes
Look up at each peak
That flavour it gives you a message
The flight of an eagle
Thats passing through time
Each mineral rainbow
The sensational light
High up in the Andes
Feel the winds tender bite
Its a spell from on high
The Indigenous spirit
Its bountifully strong
And as you swallow
Its then you belong.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Business Testimonials, Indigenous People, Organic Food Trade News. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Pacari chilli

  1. Juan Andres says:

    Dear Rex,

    Muchas gracias! Thank you so much for this new poem, we really appreciate them and we do also are very grateful for your support and preference. 🙂

  2. Rex Tyler says:

    JUAN Andres You are very welcome my dear friend

    Your chocolate is the best ever

  3. Rex Tyler says:

    Hi Rex,
    Just to say how much we LOVED this! 🙂
    Have passed it onto the team and I think the Director has been in touch personally.
    All the best

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