Triodos my favourite bank
In all the world today
Caring sharing ethical
In every thoughtful way
Banking with veracity
In everything they do
Unpretentious and friendly
Their vision coming through
Imaginative and inventive
Outside the box I say
Triodos gets my support
Every single day
They have no truck with fraudsters
Or inanity
Their dictum based on wisdom
And positivity
Receptive to their customers
Giving cheerful consent
They take the initiative
And everythings well mean’t
And they have a good rapport
Doing what comes naturally
And of that I am very sure
That Triodos are good for me
Investments are selective
Feelings come into play
Emotional intelligence
And compassion lights the way
As banks go they are out there
Their coursge at the fore
Supporting generosity
Of spirit, and whats more
Their corporate social responsibilty
Its all out there
And we know
We feel valued as supporters
Which is why they grow
Shared crusaders in the light
Against the many who
Are not,the brightest in the box
And prefer not to do
Good and respect and honour
Integrity and who
Are prepared to support like minds
And all who do ring true
happy Christmas to you all
From a customer of long standing
Thank you Rex! It means a lot to our team both in sentiment and that you have taken time to do it. Thank you for for your longstanding and ongoing support for Triodos Bank and our mission.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021.
Bevis (CEO of Triodos Bank UK)
Its my great pleasure you all do wonderful work
In an area of expertise where others have such a bad reputation
Your torch lightens the darkness they create
So its thanks very much