Kimblewick is at it
Trail hunting so they say
Entering a private farm
Killing a fox that day
The cops don’t seem to worry
The government them too
These so called bloody hunters
Break laws thats what they do
The law is being broken
Every single day
They believe they are above the law
This is what they say
Foxes being chased about
And slaughtered by the hounds
Its happening despite the law
And being out of bounds!
This private farm in Kimblewick
Has seen it with their own eyes
A poor fox torn to pieces
And We all realise
These pumped up toffs
On horseback, who do they think they are
They think they actually own the place
In fact they only scar
Our land our farms our gardens
Chasing wild souls they
Are throwbacks they got money
And a lot to say
But The bulk of the countryside
Don’t want these rottens sods
Chasing wild souls through the woods
And are making great rods
For their own backs for certain
Countryfolk believe
Foxes badgers deers and hares
Actually they weave
Their magic through the copses
Through the countryside today
And hunts should stop this murderous
Activity right away
They are rural arseholes
Nothing better to do
Murder wildlife warriors
The little folk ring true
Murdering a vixen
And tearing it to a shred
And leaving entrails everywhere
Its horrific that its dead
Hunts should now be broken up
All of them should be
cancelled out
Stopped doing this
Law breaking constantly
The countryside is live and well
Without their negativity
Thank goodness for the saboteurs
Their courage and their bravery
These hunting parties are unworthy
And they are despised
Riding roughshod over private land
Land thats prized
Riding through our gardens
Frightening our pets
Damaging our business
Raising up our debts
Hunters are contemptible
We are treated with disdain
They run their mouths most every day
And they come back again
When the coppers leave the scene
Thats if they come at all
They are back in their numbers
Swearing as a rule
Scant respect for any of us
Irreverent and impolite
Disparaging our right to be
Even in their sight
Sarcasm oh they are good at that
Despite breaking the law
The coppers some enjoying it all
Some don’t know what its for
Why we get so riled up
By blokes on horse back who
Must have some sherry
For what and how they do
Threaten us and the saboteurs
With anger and dismay
When they are actually breaking the law
And getting away
BOXing day buggered up by these so called toffs
Its not the kind of tradition
We want to continue thank you