The Hunting Act 2004
Hostility it hangs
In clouds around the forest where
The red one stalks
And breathes the wondrous
Ice clad December air
Dissension in the countryside
A jarring disharmony
The frost that encrusts the barest boughs
Above those who now be
Caught in a bickering quarrelsome state
Where countrymen whose eyes
Are firmly on the countryside
The blood fued that underlies
The conflict and controversy
Over the so called act
Every altercation and how we all react
Hunter and protector and those
Who truly care
For their beloved foxes
Who share the wintry air
The battle cries the brazeness
The horses and those who
Demonstrate their defiance
Doing what they do
Breaking through the so called act
Wanting so to kill
The red one whose bravura
And whose blood they want to spill
There can’t be conciliation
Their belligerence their curse
They hate our friends the wild fox
And there is nothing worse
Strategy thats possible
reminding them what they
Do here in the countryside
Is create so much dismay
I beg them see my wild friend
Though Obstinacy is everywhere
We do not want to fight
The bellicosity
And the despair
My beloved lad
Whose earth is his domain
So Leave him be
for he is worthy of our love
And our constancy
Forgo the laws of heaven
His ingenuity
His stealth his guile
His wondrous style
Evading the likes of thee
The toff whose off and running
With his fino and his swag
Having the prerogative
Of A power trip in his bag
A master at the end of it
a tyrant so to say
In my eyes just an idiot
At the end of the day
A constable
A farmer as arrogant as can be
He wears his badge of office
But the truth will never see
Protected by the inertia
The insensitivity
The half hearted lukewarm
Uninspired soulless parsimony
The true beauty of the countryside
Of the wildness that abounds
Of the seasons and the reasons
That naturalness astounds