With insurance premiums rising
Thoroughbreds are lost
Sent across the sea to South Korea
At quite a cost
To someone for the journey
Winding up inside
The many Korean stomachs
What a fancy ride
Cut down in their prime it seems
By glyphosate on feed
Weakening their poor old legs
Internally they bleed
South Korea seems ready
To slaughter them for meat
So that the bloody idiots
Can have a marvellous treat
Are the great Insurance companies
Doing this I wonder
Or the owners of the horses
Left and torn a’sunder
The journey and the killing
What is it all about
The likes of Monsanto
Are guilty without doubt
But no one seems to bother
The horses run like hell
The glyphosate is weakening their bones
I do hear tell
Agony and torture
Stress and wickedness too
And no one seems to bat an eyelid
But this hell on earth is true