It makes so much sense
That we understand
That stale white bread
Is far from grand
As a mental process
Our concentration
Is seemingly
An indication
Our mindlessness
It disordered be
For offering bread
Is disorderly
Its apparent to us
Because we feel
To leave it to stale
Does reveal
We are unconcerned
And impassively
Seem indifferent to
The quality
Its oversight
Being unconcerned
Its not as if
We haven’t learned
Allowing staleness
It is a distraction
And produces a reaction
Ducks reduce their foraging
An oversight
A disregard
Becoming careless and forgetful
As life for them
Is getting hard
Sloppy thinking
Illogical we fail to card
The inference its bound to be
A bug mistake
Hand fulls of Thawed out garden peas
Will do better for them
All life through
White flour
And chemical really isnt
any good
That much is true
Feeding the ducks
Lets understand
Our ignorance
Its none to grand
Being seduced by
All this dough
Proves the basic truth
We didn’t know