Bollywood and the falsity
Of skin and tone banality
Colonial time saw fairer skin
And that is where it did begin
Now Indian girls want to look fair
Its seen as lovely
Because its rare
The eye of the beholder seemingly
Is not what Bollywood wants to see
Creams and potions apparently
That whiten and lighten
Can really be
The difference
In their world today
Lighter or brighter
So they say
Those promoting it
Seem to me
To be
Agenda ridden, we
Must understand skin colour may
Matter how fair how tanned
What way
Is right or wrong
Dark or fair
The instant look
Is how we share
What we have how when we smile
How we act
One needs a while
Hearts and minds and souls
Are where
Whats inside
How much care
Just how gentle
And aware
Tone and colour
Are really what
unique about us
And a lot
Of bollywood
Is about themselves
It affects the women
But if one delves
Into the inner soul
And feels the vibrance
Then the role
Is easier to contemplate
For we all know
And can create
An aura and a gleaming way
Like the petals on a summers day
Despite the breeze
Despite tHe dark
If its meant my dears
We will make our mark
Wherever we are what ever we do
Its what is within us