Aiding and abetting
The scumbags of the soul
Sinning illegalities
Their misconduct role
Suspected blamed and censured
Toffs that all they be
Fino down the proverbial hatch
Conmen actually
Out there on their horses
Rascals clad in red
Jodhpurs to the ready
To the countryside they are wed
Vagrants in reality
Degenerates in fact
Abandoning the principles
Thats how they react
Shameless in their chasing
Villainous they be
Lying through their back teeth
Their immorality
Unworthy of a station
They reach the slippery slope
For their cruelty and evil
They should be hanging off a rope
Going out a killing
Torturing as well
Chasing after creatures wild
These gross prigs from Hell
A schooner down their facehole
Self centred they for sure
Egoistic idiots
Who think they are at war
We are just trail hunting
Running with our hounds
Breathing in the ozone
Never out of bounds
The red tail curled and desperate
Just to get away
Back home to the vixen
That much I can say
Anybody’s fence and gate
The hunt is on its way
Through the graveyard
Down the hill
Everyone’s at play
Blow the horn and watch us gallop
Petticoats in flight
Through the muddiness of the stream
Born out of sheer delight