Imagine having this fine women
In your family tree
One such lass that I know well
Has this recognizee
A blackwater tiger
A women so revered
Who provided some ten children
And her intelligence appeared
Priceless in her regent roles
And family life as well
Such a hard working soulful lass
Under a godly spell
Her early life remarkable
Being acquainted to
A blood line as superior
And as it turns out true
She married Prince Louis
In 1137
A teenage bride of beauty
Hardly made in Heaven
When her father died a few months later
Louis became the King
King of England and of France
Such prestige that did bring
And two fine girls Marie and Alice
Beautiful were they
But Louix wanted a son and heir
And tensions followed, they
Henry was always karping on
About the son he never had
And so they split
And she moved back
to Aquitaine
But far from sad
She didn’t need a man around
But sadly women on their own
Men went about kidnapping them
For their possessions
It was known
And so a suitor came along
And took her for his wife
Henry Count of Anjou
He wanted to spend his life
With her
And in just eight weeks
Married her and she
Her Marriage to LouiseV11
Once again you see
In 1154 King Henry 11 he
the right olde King of England
And with him she did claim
To have had Eight more fine children
And played an active part
But travelled back to Aquitaine
For its where she left her heart
Henry had neglected the children
And so she
Plotted with the eldest
A revolt so they could be
Once again upon the throne
The revolt however failed
And Henry captured his lady fair
And she was sadly jAiled
And there she stayed for 16 years
In Old Sarum in Wiltshire
In comfort surely unlike jail
And the sheriff did inspire
Many to make her happy
And when Richard became King
He had her released
And Eleanor was able to do her thing
She took on various political posts
And for Fifteen years
Whilst Richard was at the crusades
Aquitaine me dears
Occupied her many hours
And she died in 1204
When she had reached the grand old age
Of 82 I’m sure