Copenhagen zoo
Has no respect at all
it runs out of some space
And kill three wolves
And a bear they face
Their scruples and their heart felt strings
That clearly stretch a way
Murdering these animals
Who just are in their way
All zoo’s in fact Should be Closed down
But this one really must
disrespect of life god given
imagine the thrust
Of sentiment and thoughtlessness
In killing beautiful beasts
An assemblage of the curious
Who weirdly make the case
They are after making more money
By increasing the space
Its contrary to reason
Misleading as they go
A case of sloppy thinking
The wrong verdict as we know
A jaundiced eye
Unrealistic too
Killing beautiful wolves and A Bear
Its not what humans do
Its non realisation
Unconscious phillistines
Bewitched and unenlightened
A wisdom that enshrines
Every living entity
Whose intricate designs
A smattering of matter
A dark horse so to say
A height of absurdity
All along the way