She was Born in Sarasota
Florida and she
A Gemini in the year
Of the Ox Is where she be
A, tv presenter
And a huntress
Of big game
Posting on social media
She is different
So they claim
She likes to be with others
For her, being alone
Brings her into conflict
so it has been shown
She likes conflict
And male hunters
Around her when she hunts
With rifles bows
And cameras
She likes to record her stunts
And really goes all over
Looking for souls to kill
With her high powered rifle
For way off she gets that chill
Or close up as in Islay
Shooting down a sheep
Or a wild goat on the hillsides
Its enough to make me weep
In Africa she’s at it
Everywhere she goes
She’s killing all the wildlife
She seems to have the nose
For big game and for small game
And for tiny game as well
A dik dik she backed that one
She won her ticket off to HELL
Imagine a dik dik a tiny little soul
And she this bitch with an obvious itch
For slaughtering, the control
it takes to aim at the TINY deer
To just have that authority
And To disregard all fear
Camouflaged and ready
To take on any foe
Its no bigger than her Own arse
If you ask me, she does show
The dead soul in a photograph
As proud as punch she be
She actually thinks she is marvellous
And discounts its misery
She helped it with its heartaches
With its burdens with its strain
Enveloped in enchantment
She truly is insane
In Islay shooting sheep and goats
Their blubbering she heard
But she stood proud
Her rifle cocked
And shouted out aloud
I am the big game hunter
A TV Personality
I come from sarasota
A big game Hunter yes thats me
Her ugliness of character
She puts All that aside
For clearly she is beautiful
Sitting inside her hide
Ambushing the docile sheep
In her shocking way
This is such vulgarity
Its bad taste too I say
She also uses Bows and arrows
She will shoot at anything
Any target is good
She really is all action
And her re action from me
Is I Would ‘t look at her more than once
Because i’ be Frightened of what I see