Montana and its menfolk

Lack of respect for the wild ones
Irreverence for sure
Leaving contraptions around the place
Surprise tactics for sure
Torturing suffering bleeding
Disdainful in so many ways
What they do in Montana
Honestly it plays
Into their lack of principle
What is insincerity
Devious corruption
Dark rascality
Breaking every promise
Egoists who feel
The need to see wild souls caught out
And trapped their lives to steal

Then the need is leave them
Let them suffer so
Let them wonder how to get loose
But deep, inside they know
This is it they are going to be killed
When trappers come
morally weak and vulnerable
Their hearts beating like a drum
And here he comes a fat sod
Heavy as can be
He is going to strangle
What life is left in me
All the hope and candour
All the dreams inside
He is going to mount me
And then try and ride

Strangle me choke the air
Out of me my brain
Suffering such trauma
I will just not see again
One last look at the forest
At the sky of blue
his bulk is really smothering
Oh help me its so true
These trappers
Do they go home to their families
Hold their wives at night
With the same hands that have murdered me
It just doesnt feel right
Do they pick their little daughters up
And kiss them what do they
Think their daddies are doing
In the wilderness each day

Strangling a wild mother
Or a father do they care
Trappers they are evil
There is nothing to compare
In wickedness to men like these
Wicked through and through
And now they want to strangle us
Thats what they want to do

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Human rights sex enslavement ISIL, traps and snares, Wolves. Bookmark the permalink.

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