Dead flesh

The meat trade earn their PROFIT
From killing and murdering they
Do not stop to contemplate
Lives along the way
A life an honest miracle
Snubbed out when they choose
Doesn’t matter about The family
There is no time to lose

Male chicks you know the easter chicks
Cant lay eggs so they
Are murdered crushed to death
In great steelteeth
Or just thrown away
To heaven thanks to the egg board
Full of compassion they
Cant be bothered to save their lives

Little male calves are kidnapped
From their mothers every day
A mother loves her offspring
She carried it come what may
But the dairy want the profit
And the male calves thus are shot
Or sent off to the death camp
Or left on the farm to rot

Pig skin wallets unborn piglets
The mother opened wide
Remove the little unborn soul
So comfortable inside
Kill the mother kill the baby
Profit is the cause
The leather trade are at it Too
Nobody does pause

Baby lambs that leap for joy
Rapidly are killed
Thats the way to do it
So much young blood is spilled
But really its dead flesh
baby pigs are put to death
They cannot afford a creche

Consumers go to supermarkets
For pristine cuts and buy
So removed from the animals
Who loved their life and why
All the trillions of chicken
Under 40 days old
And its all down to PROFIT
And getting the dead souls sold

Thank goodness there are TAPEWOrms
And Trichinosis too
That fix themselves inside our guts
And live there as they do
Rare and raw its fashionable
They can live for thirty years
And grow to be 100 feet long
No you wont see their tears

All the tiny babies miracles of life
Beaten up and thrown around
And given lots of strife
Taken to the slaughterhouse
Or exported off by sea
The dead flesh trade is the murder trade
And it just is not for me

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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