
LIMPOPO province
Thats where we be
Said the man with the BOW
Our, safari
Will open your eyes
And get to your gut
For the Wildest and best
We just are never shut

The big five
All gifted to AFRICA they
You can find them quickly
And bag them right away
The boss is a bowman
One Evan Sloan
Some tell us really we ought to atone
Killing is sport And, we know why
The greatest thought ever
Is watching them die

egotists everywhere
Wanting to shoot
Take out the best
We have got what will suit
You want to indulge yourself
Then come and see
The beautiful creatures
Laid out tragically

You can take trophies
To gather the dust
And remind you of heaven
And then the disgust
At hearing the breath leave
At seeing what you
Did with a clear head
Your corruption did do

A lasting sinfulness
Such degeneracy
All of gods creatures
In their prime constancy
Lost in a hail of lead let us say
Or watching the bolt which just sped away
That twang and the force and the immensity
As it smashed through The skin and the flesh
And we see
Those bright eyes realise
Life is no more
Depravity found them
Who dares too ignore

The impassioned plea
Of an immaculate soul
In the place where god put him
Where he kept his role
Sacrosanct always
At Africa’s heart
Till the outrageousness came
And the vile war did start.

American born American ways
Everyone welcome
That what he says
The opportunistic self seekers too
anyone really with nothing to do
Covetous strangers self centred they
Can come on an ambush the wonderful prey
Todays Robin Hood steals from the poor
Where wildness is hope
But not anymore

Lion bones to China
Leopards who cant change their spots
But who do
Cut up a fine skin
To hang on your wall
All the blood and the guts
making people’s flesh crawl

All these safari’s
Are dragging life down
Betrayal and treachery
calling the clown
With the very white face
And the red rubber nose
to come and observe
What so many oppose

All the priceless animals
Part of the heaven
That tourists now see
Its The shared Environment
The animal tribes
All interconnected
We all get the vibes

then theres you lot
Depraved, opportunistic who feel
Better a dead soul
For that does reveal
The greatest of challenges
Now on Gods earth
ITs last throes of life pumping
Showing its worth

Can I say to you rotters
Where ever you be
You are not welcome here
And we Don’t want to See
Your ugly mugs and your fidgety smile
And Your murdering face
Not even for a while

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Africa, Animal sacrifice, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

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