There is denial in the human race
A race we can never win
Science listening to the current
And There is a lot of sin
Emanating from them illogical as Hell
Many not in the real world
But Under the devils spell
given cash to study
Their earning related to
The commercial factor
That is how they do
Their business its a bargaining Chip
Its purely what we say
It doesn’t matter how we get there
As long as we can stay
Doing what we want to do
Earning for our keep
And if animals are victims
Well so many are asleep
Take monkeys they have brains and hearts
And souls and minds and they
Are a bit like humans
In their monkey way
Thats the mean simplistic notion
Swimming in the soup
Of Science for the sake of it
Keeping us in their loop
They wear white coats
And masks as well
Gauntlets probably too
They work with scalpels
And electrodes
Not lots, but quite a few
Eminence they take that title
And its done hush hush here
Behind closed doors
To no applause
Little mini wars
Its called experimentation
A corporate approach
Surgical procedures
Financially they broach
The secretive agenda
Torture the utmost pain
To non consenting primates
Who undergo such strain
Skulls in fact cut open
Brains injected, they
Get a toxic cocktail
And for that they certainly pay
Psychologically and Physiolgically
They suffer every hour
Any feelings they ever had
We overcome that power
Of thought, of caring,of attitude
We obliterate their soul
We meddle causing trauma
The experimenters role
To destroy what God has mentored
This miracle this ape
With our twisted evil logic
In fact we actually rape
And leave them guiltless innocents
Inoffensive they
Now in their unfallen state
Dove like in a way
Complicit we really all are
Because we Turn away
We buy into the remedies
And the products every day
And their victims rot in cages
Nearly as mindless they
The Vile experimenters
Get more money thrown their way
And so the train keeps rolling
Victims come and go
the public looks the other way
And people in the know
Well, they make excuses
Like its happening everywhere
So why not just make fun of it
On Fakebook lets all share
Other peoples sadness
As long as we are fine
Monkeys they are two a penny
And us too down the line