
Parking your car
Outside Manimpex gives
Anyone visiting
Well it relives
The expertise actually
And when meeting Danny one knows
He’s an expert in Stone
For he just kind of throws
You into his world
Metamorphic rocks, He
Re crystallised carbonate
Its all there to see
Calcite and Dolomite
Marble its known
And Danny behind you
Always on the phone

Felsic intrusive
igneous rock
Granular and phaneritic
Danny will unlock
His expertise certainly
And All by design
Granite is hard
And can look so divine

Parallel banding
Onyx and crystalline minerals
Quartz and Limestone
Carbonate sedimentary rock
Coral,Foraminifera,and Molluscs
He will unlock
Travertine Limestone from
Hot springs all there
“Lapitec”sintered great slabs everywhere
And Danny
What he and his lads
can create
From the terra firma
If you make that date

Scar,crag and boulder
Reef stack and dyke
Fine magical workings
That you are bound to like
Creative inventive fanciful styles
You would have to go miles
To see the fantastic, the romantic to be
Carried away
To an imaginary
Culture of colour
How to empathise
Esoteric of meaning
It just opens your eyes

To the substance and thought patterns
The essence, the drift
And definate outcome
A semantic lift
And its all down to Danny
And his fitters who come
A combined revelation
exposing how some
Of Those great affirmations
Make absolute sense
The spectrum
The palette
So wholly intense
In what is the patina
Of being able to see
All that you wanted
Worktops, fireplaces
Boardroom tables
Bath surrounds
Shower trays and sinks
Walls and floors
All arounds
Sculptures and tablets
Whatever you need
And with Danny I promise
Can only succeed

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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