Wild Macaques right into
Laboratories we hear
The NIH their mind-boggling work
It’s macabre abuses fear
These really intelligent monkeys
Know all about alarm
They come in very inquisitive
Soon subjected to harm.
Someone called Elizabeth Murray
And inquisitor of sorts
Carries out suspicious op’s
With the strangest and shocking thoughts
It’s really very horrifying
Putting them through this fear frightening them
With spiders and snakes
And it is clear
It’s flesh creepingly awful
Just hearing them scream
This women is a weirdo
More so that it would seem
Caged in Metal boxes
Constrained of movement there
They are anxious and apprehensive
Of course these monkeys care
They tremble at the site of her
Her breathing fright and awe
Paid by tax payers dollars
Something many ignore
There’s a hopelessness
About the place
Pessimism there
There’s hatred and there’s panic
If the monkeys hear
Her screeching voice
And smell her
She’s intimidating bitch
All the monkeys hate her guts
One glimpse and they twitch
It’s ludicrous to imagine
Had earned workers pay
Goes into supporting he evil work
Every single day
If it were not for Peta
Her arrogance would grow
She is on her own a monster.
wth a dullnezs as we know