The magnificent bull

To the teach the Spanish wickedness
Their sinfulness explores
A flagrancy beyond the pale
With all it’s beastly flaws
Those murdering bulls
And claiming
They are fighting
And we should
participate in the spectacle
Which the Spanish feel is good

THe lot of them on a slippery slope
Degenerates they be
Unworthy to be human
Such dishonesty
Their are miscreants
Steeped in vice
Abandoned and corrupt
Irredeemable cretins
We need to be as abrupt
With them as they are with the bull
Dispatch them from our sight
They really are nefarious
On humanity they are a blight

The Spanish really need to get their
Act together they
The mayoral administration
That actually likes to pay
For all this blood and thunder
For all the rotten pain
Doled out on the lovely BULLS
Really for whose gain

Those practising the evil
Are evil that’s for sure
Paying to see it is as bad
The obscenity and more
Watching bulls
Their moral fibre far exceeding man
Watching them being driven
To the floor to a dark plan

Your lack of contrition
Stark obduracy
I regretting all you do
It’s just shamefully
At the bottom of a barrel
Swimming the rotten sludge
That’s what Spaniards do

Unashamed unblushingly
Strut around the ring
The next life will be
Horrid when you lot
Somehow bring
Your children to be born
Bulls made to die in pain
Only then when you realise
That you bastards
Are Insane.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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