It was pleasantly warm
I had woken up early
Excited to travel
To the RollRights alone
For me it’s a long way
With my disablement
Discounting the virus
And so I did say
I need to go early
And hopefully be
Close to the entrance
Parking easily
I arrived about one
Two hours early to sit
On my seat in the East
And get myself fit
The light was fantastic
The colours so clear
Huge banks of fireweed
On The roadsides to cheer
The Rose Bay Willow Herb
Likes calcareous soils
Where soil is disturbed
It magically toils
Recovering fauna and creating
New ways
of attracting
Pollinators and Flora
that plays
It’s part in establishing
Wildness to Share
With its blossoms of pink
And to all those aware
In Spring stems and leaves
Are edible they
Are real good in salads
Picked in fields far away
From the roadside
And contamination, be sure
Rich in Vitamin C
So one to adore
It took me a while to set up
My trolley
And slowly I walked
Down the path
And I saw
The roll rights man
Who said we don’t want you here
Smithsonian stars
Jokingly seemingly
Was I from Mars!!
I sat in the East
And got talking to people
There were lots around
Lots of picnics
And noise
I spoke to a couple from leamington spa
The wife was from Wuhan
They hadn’t come far
But thought it was fated
To meet up with me
A mandarin speaker
Talked for an hour or so
And then some more
People were asking me
What was it for
Lammas the ritual
When would it be
Possibly it should
have been around three
Looking down south
To the rich fields of gold
I encouraged some children
and they seemed sold
On counting the stones
And then telling me
And I kept a list
For their parents to see
I told them the story
of the witch and the King
And his men turned to stone
and their eyes twinkling
Each time they counted
It wasn’t the same
That was the magic
That was my claim
Then Robert came
With his fancy hat
And Ollie turned up
Said where we were at
The ritual was cancelled
But some might turn up
Debbie and Paul came
Veronica and Dave
Dawn and her friend
So we all had a rave
There were very few left
Just a picnic or two
A lurcher dog wanting to play
As they do
Tossing a stick back and forwards
So he
Could run, like the clappers
All the while we had a troubadour
His mandolin gentle calming
A minstrel with a longIsh white beard
and long hair
Serenading the Moles who had come
Up to share
The music you knew that the goblins and sprites
Had emerged from the hollows
And were reaching our heights
At about five
Having been there four hours
Out in the sun
A bit burnt
Any powers
left in me
They Vanished I had to get going
Get my trolley back into my car
I was showing
Signs of exhaustion
And thought I had lost
My wallet my cards
and my money
I tossed
It all in the car
With the help of an angel
Outside who helped me
A couple so sweet
Back home at seven
Just about able
To get into the house
And have something to eat
I never take a picnic when I am Alone
I can hardly manage myself
Thanks to everyone who helped me
And to Debbie and Paul who offered me money
In case I got stuck on the way home
And a drink of home made elderflower
Which was wonderfully refreshing
I was just worried two hours in the car
Whether I would get cut short but all was well