The beloved grey wolves
Have won their reprieve
Colorado has missed them
Can we believe
That is the sentiment
They are the ones
Chosen to be there
Daughter and sons
Gods creature great ruler
They tailor the wilds
With their great symphony
Their balanced approach
Their lifestyle you see
Is godly and hopeful
And their constancy
Creates a horizon
And encourages joy
Restoring the balance
Helping to employ
Music to the ears
Of the wild souls who ply
Their earnest belief
To live under the sky
The last one was killed
46 years ago
They came back in Yellowstone
And Idaho
And these places clearly
Were honoured to see
The beloved grey wolf
Emerge again free
Colorado must cherish them
Hunters beware they are not coming back
So your sadistic flair
Can think to go hunting
And kill them again
The Wolf is an angel
WhoSec worth is plain
Sit back and wait
When they arrive
The glorious packs
They will survive
The countryside joyful
Balanced and prime
For the great grey wolf cometh
And not before time.