Most states in America
The Southern ones anyway
Conduct themselves at their leisure
With a terrible display
Of wickedness and severity
Training their dogs to hunt
Trapping and murdering wild life
And then having a punt

Most clearly it’s a blood sport
A pitiless display
participants are ruthless
In the nastiest of way
First they live trap animals
The Coyote and the Fox
And put them into enclosures
And then bring on the shocks

As regards compassion
They don’t know what that means
They are villains and true scoundrels
Such enmity it leans
Very much towards spitefulness
A true malignancy
Performed with utter callousness
And such barbarity

Trapping a wild animal
Such impropriety
Totally unrighteousness
These animals run free
Laying traps encroaching
On their wildness is a sin
And then putting them into oenx
So the murders can begin

Watching their dogs go after them
With no escape at all
They just run their hearts out
Really it does gall
Any thinking caring soul
Who has the eyes to see
Beautiful Animals running for their lives

There is no escape
Just hungry hounds who collectively
With run them down
And their them to bits
So painfully
It is reprehensible that in this day and age
Human beings can be so cruel
In a sport that’s off the page

They are guilty of such horror
Trespassing with fate
They all should be arrested
I would name the date
Hateful swines they all Re
Such transgression they
Are culpable and discriminate
In every sodding way

They live with such irreverence
Terribly low esteem
Scoffing gibing mocking
It’s enough to make me scream
They have to be sick in their heads
It’s outrageous that they feel
Being so injurious
and scornful is for real
Disrespecting Nature
The order of their day
They hold a superiority
I despise them in every way.

There is a vile perversion
Desecrators they
They violate all that is good
And one hopes that they will pay
A price when they are Hunted down
BY A Grizzly and dispatched
To Kingdom come
And the agony is awful
And they all experience some

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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