The most infamous of dentists
Who came from Minnesota
Who killed a special Lion Allen Cecil
Several years ago
Lured the Lion out of the park
And shot him in Zimbabwe
Imagine the pain that Cecil felt
For 40 hours Agonisingly
Suffering they just went to bed
Leaving the lion to crawl
Away into the Bush
Just tried hard to haul
His seriously injured body
To somewhere safe and sound
The arrow wounded him badly
When they found him on the ground
The shot him with a rifle
Saw the collar there
Cut off his head and skinned him
Criminally aware
Zimbabwe never charged them
They got away Scott free
Both of them were slime balls
Such a tragedy
And now it seems old Palmer
Is at it once again
This time in Mongolia
And big wild sheep was game
Clearly Palmer never learned
To leave souls well alone
And was back trophy hunting
His skills needing to hone
A dentist and supposedly a caring
Goes our torturing animals
In fact his shit is crude
Never learned from Cecil
Still killing that’s his thing
all the way to Mongolia
He thinks he is the king
The king oF criminality
Because he Got away
He thinks he can kilL anything
And nobody will say
But we know Walter Palmer
A murderer he be
Betraying his profession
With such duplicity
“Open wide” he tells his patients
Whose good at selling death
Ad sticking to his evil
You an sell it on his breath
A double-dealing traitor
Who leads a life of crime
who would sell you down the river
Yes time after time
He does do the dirty
Stab you in the back
And working as a dentist
Should be liable to attack
Complicit and disregarded
He travels around the world
Murdering and injuring
His evils he has hurled
Now into Mongolia
Another killing spree
He doesn’t have any morals
Just disloyalty
Flattered by the safari clubs
Whose flannel he believes
They overpraise and big him up
And so of course achieves
Scurrility and ridicule
Disfavour everywhere
He should have been behind bars still
Where nobody would care