A Captive Tiger

A solitary white Bengal Tiger
Bored out of its mind
Continues to circle every day
No thanks to humankind
In a zoo in Beijing
Cement and bars its lot
It once was wild but now of course
Freedom it has not

Around and around
Day in day out
Is no way to exist
In a bare dull prison cell
Trying to subsist
Drag out ones life
Where reality
Is upped and gone away
Where ever hour is baseless
Lacking substance every day

A meagreness a sparseness
Empty and inane
A wild soul with a memory
Is now going insane
A character less existence
Nothing to do all day
Only uniformity
and monotony they say

unchanging and lacking variety
The Chinese ought to see
Really what is happening
The inconstancy
Meanness and mediocrity
Totally alone
In what is a chaotic state
The Place it calls its home

Undisciplined and unruly
A stammering display
Repetitiveness creates a strain
Beijing has done away
With any opportunity
And freedom of choice
Everything is sporadic
A soul without a voice

Just a constant permanence
Enduring such dismay
It’s March uninterrupted
A casualty sine say
Deriving very little
Assuming even less
Impotent and unable
To ditch the constant stress

Deprived of power the consequence
Undermined each hour
Disabled by the length of time
Really all the power
It ever had has dwindled
Nobbled and I paired
And now a vulnerability
and fragility is shared

A lifelessness and passivity
apathetic he
Is limited by location
Confined indefinitely
Going around in circles
His pads wearing a ring
Giddy and light headed
Just wanting to fling

Himself in all directions
Starless and unlit
Really terribly boring
To damn damp to sit
A lack of definition
Lacklustre that’s for sure
Always in half shadow
It like it had been before

An insanity was building
Yes an unsound mind
Confusion and depression
Really somewhat blind
A lack of what is naturalness
Of recurrence or review
Just a total lapse of memory
And nothing to do

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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