A nurse is supposed to be into true healing
A carer saving life
It seems to me
But This bitch one Kate Small
Is no such thing at all
Seemingly a sick dichotomy
She calls herself, an ethical
Back country hunter who
takes out our wild animals
With high powered rifles
Few Would dare to call that ethical
But this bigot se believes
Killing wolves apex predation
Honestly achieves
She is borderline insanity
That’s if you ask me
A wicked individual
Full of uncertainty
Illogical and sophistical
It’s all mere words for she
Is a wicked nasty bit of work
As all can see
Unsound and untenable
Healing and then killing
From far off can hardly see
Telescopic rifles
A perverted reason she
Miscalculates so wrong cheated
As prejudiced as can be
She discredits nursing, to a tee
A heathen and an infidel
Who really needs to be
Hanging from a willow
the height of absurdity
Of unsound mind infact deranged
Psychotic actually
A crackpot and a nutter
A cretinous imbecile
Whose thoughts are unintelligible
Completely off the dial
Craven and lily livered
Utter disrespect
Contemptuous and disdainful
Lacking intellect
The wolves are wondrous creatures
Social motivated
Pack animals with families
Following and it has been stated
Before they are essential
To the environment they serve
And this bit I have should be strung up
As she flattens their curve
She betrays her being
Her allegiance to
The craft she says she follows
A nurse healing and true
She is aiding and abetting
The cruelest of the cruel
She should be sacked immediately
The double crossing fool
Full on amorality
An abomination she
Needs the cat o nine tails
Across her back from me