Cruelty to dairy cows

A dairy farm
In New Zealand
In Eketahuna
74 dairy cows
Were neglected
And I am sure
suffered and lamentably
From lameness
But when found out
The owners were fined
And released to carry on farming
So whats Ll that’s about

Well first
His mother
Won the Dairy Women of the year
That was in 2012
So it’s very clear
It’s not what you do
But who your mother is
She’s an MP
Her husband ran the farm as well
But it seems to me
Because the son has pleaded
the court Says
The father is being let off
Altogether What a sport!
As to the great Dairies
All around the world
The mendaciousness is obvious
The poor females are hurled
Into a cycle of cruelty
From the rape rack into birth
Kidnap of their babies
Who often have littLe worth
And then after so many cycles
The slaughterhouse
And where
Many cows are dragged
by the consequences there

To get back to this story
74 cows lame
The vets had said neglect was rife
25 They claim
Were so ill they were all put down
Having suffered inextricably
49 were suffering
But were treated apparently
It’s all down to poor cow management
Cows these days are made
To produce more milk than Nature
And if the cows were weighed
Up against those cows from fifty years ago
TodayS cows are much heavier
As probably you know

Genetics and all sorts of feed
And chemicals galore
The poor cows carry vast Amounts
But for their calves the deal is raw
All the milk is for profit
For selling and making cheese
And so the cows must be cared for more
Because if you ignore
They can become so sick
Their hind feet and outer claw
Can you imagine with all that weight
When farmers do ignore
The condition And carry on milking them
Just how much agony
And to become lame and have to be killed
It’s awful tragedy
But it can be down to digital dermatitis
And this reduces milk yield substantially
So a loss of profit and if it overlooked
Then really it is pitiful to see
It’s because of filtHy conditions
and if this is the case
The cruelty is unimaginable
It’s really a disgrace

So to get back to this story
The son has confirmed that he
Is guilty of the problem
And will be charged
But he will be
Allowed to carry on farming
It isn’t what you do
But who your mother is it seems
Shareholders good and true
The court judgement
Made him pay the sum
Of 4000 dollars to
For The vet and for the experts
Then the company who
Ran the farm all members of the family
Did have shares
They were fined 30,000 dollars
Not splitting any hairs

And they all walked away
As farmers carrying on the trade
No prison time at all
As for the 25 cows they killed
Really it does appal
Me to realise the pain and agony
They went through
Animals should be granted love
And care And so the view
That they continue farming
For me a loathsome trade

Inherently unkind to female animals and males in all its procedures.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity. Bookmark the permalink.

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