By Madar Lake
She was grazing
And seemingly we heard
A crocodile leapt towards her
And sadly what occurred
Was it took a huge chunk
Out of her
Before she pulled away
Suffering a massive wound
On that tragic day

We were called to see her
And couldn’t believe our eyes
She was resting peacefully
It was hard to realise
The extent of wound
She had suffered
But somehow in repose
Sat there on the stoney path
Which really and honestly shows

The inner strength of ungulates
We talked to her and she
Came with us in a truck
To hospital and we
Sedated her and cleaned her wound
Deep seated grossly so
Gave lots of pats and love
We wanted her to know

We loved her and we would care for her
Bandaged her and she
Was calm and always gentle
She never once cried actually
Though she must have been in great pain
Suffering but she
Remained in quiet repose
Throughout the days

Lots of reassurance
Lots of love and care
that’s what healing is about
And we had lots to share
On the 15 5h day
Her wound was healing
But still had a way to go
But she remained so grateful
And appreciative and so

On the 50th dressing changed
Every day and she
Was standing up still getting love
From all of us
And we
Could see the wound was healing
From the inside out
We knew
She was on the mend now
And after six months
To view

Her you wouldn’t have thought it possible
Her scar of course was there
But healing had been slow and sure
And she was so aware
We had used a lot of bandages
And given a lot of care
But “Emma” was a joy to have

And we learned a lot

Thank you ANIMALAID unlimited
Rajhastan India
Near the TB hospital.

Fateh Sagar Lake UDAIPUR in the GIRWA valley

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, ANIMALAID unlimited, animals used for food, Calves and Cows and Bulls. Bookmark the permalink.

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