Mother Nature

A giver of life
The personification
of the greatest of mothers
that there has ever been
To manifest spirit
 beyond and above
to nurture and care for
And just spread the love
the true allocation
of every space
giving and knowing
The abundance of showing
and unfolding story
of the ultimate glory
predator prey
she designed life that way
She can sequence  their being
all seeing
the greatest  mother
there isn’t another
 She’s  special more thoughtful
more diligent she
has all of the knowledge
she  went to the same college
and studied the  planet
On  how wildness should be
she is up against man
who calls himself  kind
but in so many ways
is so very blind
who lacks understanding
and the honest way
Of all things created
that must have their day
she is an artist
a sculptor a poet
Plays  music with voices
loves dance  and design
she knows how to run this world
and all it’s creatures
Understands  honesty
Right down the line
the power of the women
the life giving  angel
protecting the honour
no matter who
she is there at each birth
and cries at the death
she offers us   air
and we take it too
she is the great mother
whose  mindful to try
to believe the impossible
and to know why
she has to  contend with
the being that ran
 before he can walk
his progress doth span
he knows how to torture 
he knows how to kill
but creation  is beyond him
and though she would  instil
Her  power and her glory
Her nurturing  brief
sadly  a battle
and it’s giving us grief
Respect  is  the need
freedom to be
 what ever you want
and whatever you see

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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