
It’s all over my garden
it came via the birds
a soft leafed creation
and I am lost for words
its called “Billy Buttons”
with a cup shaped flower
ruled by the moon
and I am wondering how
such a pretty  plant
wanted to Take
a place in my garden
for my own sake
 its eaten in Turkey
fried in hot oil
so it is an edible
and for its toil
in the sunlight
within itself
clearly it can
offer nutrition
that must be it’s plan
Malva  means soft
in a family of plants
cotton and okra
so now I have the chance
Of psychic persuasion
it heals so I hear
mucilaginous  qualities
So nothing to fear
thrives in the sunshine
its petals though close
at night when it sleeps
so clearly it knows
rest is important
it’s  a feminine  soul
its element water
its power and it’s role
Love and protection
so positively
a tea of the leaves
and of course it is free
anti fungal  
anti microbial
and so good for me
sprinkling seeds 
on one’s genitals may
mean you never buy VIAGRA
for  it is the way
forward said  PLINY
all those years ago
And with his fantastic  mindset
Well  he ought to know.
fresh in salads it’s very good
stems and leaves does the trick
it bears wheel shaped fruits
and they won’t make you sick
a Tisane and a curative for colds
and  sore throat
and  when fed to chickens
something to note
 the white of an  egg
becomes pink so they say
So a prettier breakfast
on a special day
If the love of your life
doesnt love you no more
place some in a vase
just outside your front door
 or put some in a vase in your window
and they 
 May come back to tell you
Their  love it will stay
its magickal properties
are very strong
in an essence my dear friends
you cannot go wrong
2000 years ago
grinding the root
into flour adding sugar
marshmallows  suit
and still to this day
You can still buy
this delectable sweetmeat
In a twinkling of an eye
given to lovers
its will surely appeal
And now there are vegan ones
yes it’s for real.
added to soups it will thicken
It be
more healing  for the stomach
it has flavonoids terpinoids
fatty acids and enzymes
phenol  derivatives
a sign of the times
And  it’s now in my garden
and I am lost for words
for it came as a gift
because  I fed  the birds.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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