of feces and of urine man provides those links cadavers thats the wretchedness who die before their time dead before we slaughter them sickly there’s no rhyme or reason for this carnage
these poor souls left to be eaten by our children Neanderthals are we we stand back from liability their vulnerable and we torture them we feed them badly Its reportable we see
Such filthy dirty areas tbeir universe no more we care little for them and many die there on the floor chewing on each other cannabalism rife Many lose their feathers suffer heightened strife the stench that wafts just everywhere the blood the snot the pee we hand them HELL and of course they die in complete adversity And then we serve them everyday friedchicken it’s the scene and those gut wrenching victims whose lives were made obscene tortured from our selfishness our negligence our hate these terrible cruelly broken souls served up upon the plate filling our children’s stomachs with cancers everyday sure they made a packet it was profitable they say the farmers and the markets All dosed up with pain their lives entirely ugliness fit only for the drain