though animals instinctively know that they must not eat them there toxicity Causing massive blistering of the mouth and bloody diarrhea Only when they are dried Can be added to hay that much we know is clear daisies on the other hand are edible and they
can be thrown in salad On a summers day the sun is their ruling planet they are masculine Fire it is their energy divination from within in ancient times some beggars used the flowers to rub upon their skin to exact sores For sympathy that scrub caused weeping pus filled abrasions and beggars found that they could earn enough to fill their guts to the customers dismay rubbing flowers on the udders of cows apparently made the milk much sweeter an old wives tale it be farmers generally speaking
say it was never true and the milk if golden coloured was from buttercups not true nany a cow was called by one or other as you know Daisy and or Buttercup from the tale of long ago another thought was a coyote tossed his eyes into the sky after an eagle attacked him Buttercups were the reason why they glistened in the sunlight beautiful to see thats apparently the story of the unfortunate coyote