Abandoned neglected
It’s beggars belief
How much I suffer
The pain and the grief
The farmers are useless
Hopelessly so
And inspection
Is non existent
You know
You probably don’t
And, you don’t care
So many of us
In this state where
We are treated like rubbish
Our food and the rest
We live with uncertainty
Passing the test
Which is shut up stop moaning
So your dirty, who cares
You are somebody’s breakfast
Stop splitting hairs
We have to make money
And you eat a lot
So your bottom is aching
That’s what you’ve got
A prolapse VETS bills
Cost and Arm and a leg
And can you for it
Whose going to beg
Whose going to borrow
Whose going to earn
So we stick Some pipe
Up your arse
Show concern
Alright so its agony
When you defecate
Flies lay their eggs on you
And hatch at a Rate
When you are slaughtered
Those who buy bacon
Won’t have a clue
About how you were taken
You think we are mean on you
A fallible bunch
There are people outside the farm
Wanting their lunch
Wanting their spareribs
Wanting to buy
Streaky and back and belly
That’s why
We can’t get a vet in
And why should we, we
Still get a license
To farm
It’s sloppy thinking
Yes maybe so
But you are a pig
So what do you know
As for the vegans
And Animal Rights.a bunch of losers
Who should get their lights
Punched out for telling
People that you
are neglected and suffering
And what they should do
They must have wishful thinking
Maggots and all
Crawling all over us
Yes as a rule
Bleeding and so sore
How can that be fair
And the meat eating loonies
Outside this door
Better they realise
They are a part
Of the torturing gang
Who haven’t a heart
Who pay supermarkets
For their clean display
But before it gets to them
It looks this way
Bloody and carnage and maggots
And more
We cannot sweat it out
That is for sure
We are suffering so
For the bacon you buy
And the karma is coming to you
When we die