Toby a handsome young man
That belongs
To our Druid order
The Cotswold throngs
With a kindly disposition
Warm-hearted and real
Unselfish and tender
And doesn’t conceal
His fraternal feelings
For someone like me
Disabled and in pain
His sympathy
It isn’t hidden
At Stonehenge what he
Did was to push
It was hard work
For me
The wet grass the tufts
It’s not easy at all
But Toby was up to it
His brotherly call
Responsive and caring
He really walked tall
He is mindful in many ways thoughtful
And caring
And being deliberative
He’s also sharing
Wrapped in good thoughts
At the end of the day
Contemplative too
And For me today
To see him as my friend
A young man who feels
Obligingness and gentleness
And that reveals
So much from his past
Fine mannered he be
A joy to be with
Unruffled and free
One of the order
The ritual where he
Excels in so many ways
And he is key
Principled soft spoken
Unique in many ways
A real lovely boy
Whose integrity
dividends clearly
His family today
With Paul and with Debbie
Both Druids too, they
Are models of virtue
They are kindly, they care
Of generous nature
Whenever they are there
At the rituals
Their love and their wonderful bond
Rubs off on others
Who like me, are fond
Dear Toby Spring’s sprung
And the daffodils dance
They take on the storm clouds
And with every chance
Stay so well rooted with their trumpets of gold
Despite the austerity
They clearly hold
With a Gentleness they just perform
A spirited lift to those now who warm
To their spectre and jewel
To their Dancing refrain
A glorification despite the cool rain
You Toby are someone special I know
With a presence and gentleness
And it does show
A remarkable quality
In every way
And I hope you feel better soon